Sjoerd Maessen blog

PHP and webdevelopment

How to accept Bitcoins donations?

with one comment

Wether you have a blog or a charitable company you may consider to start accepting donations in Bitcoins. By doing so you give people around the world an easy way to donate. Once you have a wallet with a public address  you are all set to go. When you are not familiar yet with Bitcoin, wallets or a public address, I suggest visiting the following Bitcoin site for more information before reading on.

Various ways to communicate the Bitcoin donation address
There are a few ways to communicate the donation address, all have there strong and weak points.

Plain text
One possibility is to simply list your public Bitcoin address like below:

The problem with the above method is the fact there can easily occur a copy paste error and people who are willing to donate need to know they should enter this address in their wallet.

Using a donation link
To prevent copy paste errors it’s better to use a link that automatically starts the Bitcoin client with the BTC address pre-filled. Or even the amount and a label, the amount and label are both optional url parameters.


  1. <a href="bitcoin:176dStgJnMzYRMaSP77jpTu2WnrGmsPGV5?amount=0.005&amp;label=Sjoerd">
  2.      176dStgJnMzYRMaSP77jpTu2WnrGmsPGV5
  3. </a>


Using a donate image or button
More appealing then a text link is a nice image or button. Consider changing the image below to an image that says “show some love” for your charity. This way it’s more personal.

Donate Bitcoin

  1. <a href="bitcoin:176dStgJnMzYRMaSP77jpTu2WnrGmsPGV5?amount=0.005&amp;label=Sjoerd">
  2. <img alt="Donate Bitcoin" src="/path-to-bitcoin-image.png" /></a>


Bitcoin url or wallet shortener
Another possibility is to use a shortener service that converts a Bitcoin wallet address in a shortened url. However I do feel this brings a greater risk because of the possibility the shortener service gets hacked and donations are sent to another public Bitcoin address. Examples of such services:

In the (nearby) future there will definitely come official Bitcoin user-friendly urls that can be used as an address for sending and receiving BTC but for now these services can be a great alternative.

Using a QR code
The methods above all have the same disadvantage, you have to visit the webpage with the public donation address trough a computer or smartphone to be able to click or copy paste it to you wallet. When you are fund raising on the streets people can’t click on your link and writing it down on a piece of paper won’t be very user-friendly neither. The solution for this problem comes in using a QR code. A QR code can be easily scanned by all modern smartphones, the QR code will then be translated into your public address without any change of copy paste mistakes. To generate a QR code of your public address you can use the Bitcoin wallet software on your computer or use a website like, simply enter the BTC address and watch it generate a QR code. A example or such a code can be seen below:








Accepting donations is easy like that, there’s nothing more to it, good luck!

If you liked above information, don’t forget to tryout the link below:

Written by Sjoerd Maessen

January 12th, 2014 at 7:56 pm

Posted in XML

One Response to 'How to accept Bitcoins donations?'

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  1. Accettare donazioni in Bitcoin apre nuove strade per la raccolta fondi, migliorando la trasparenza e l’accesso globale. Il tuo articolo offre preziose indicazioni per le organizzazioni non profit che desiderano incorporare in modo efficace le donazioni in criptovaluta. Grazie per aver condiviso questa risorsa informativa!

    Matteo Ferrari

    2 Apr 24 at 8:01 am

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